Automation Design refers to the process of creating systems and processes that can operate with minimal human intervention. It plays a critical role in industries such as manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, and more. Automation design involves the integration of hardware, software, sensors, and controls to create efficient, reliable, and intelligent systems.

Mechanical Design


  • Analizing all data and documents on base of a RFQ or SOR sent by customer and all spec'ifications as drawings, tech docs and etc...
  • Analizing all data and information from initiates meeting to last visitng customer place and actually situation or and review the requests and limitations
  • Analizing the main concept of the mechanical system design
  • Drawings main 3D CAD drawings in accordance with all above
  • Presentation to customer as proposed system or machine and functionality from mechanical aspect
  • Present all Commerciall Devices and componets which are bought from system builders and integrated in our system
  • Final Release 3D CAD system of mechanical system or machine
  • After customer approval releasing 2D mechanical drawings for manufacturing all mechanical parts and BOM of parts

Electrical, Pneumatics and Hydraulics Design


  • Analizing RFQ  (Request for Quotes) or SOR from customer what is requested do be done for the new system or machine
  • Analizing all Process specifications and Technical specifications from the cutomer
  • Following the Standards and Codes proposing the devices and components to be built electrical system or machine
  • Design of the whole system as main power supply, Panel devices, field devices and system, IO, actuators, motors, pneumatics and Safety devices, moree..
  • Make a electrical drawings and schematics in accordance with all standards and codes ..
  • Prepraring BOM and list of all electrical devices and components
The second process after design approval by customers is manufacturing a machine or systems  .. Our industry automation and electrical control experience and expertise enable us to provide our customers with innovative solutions and strategies to help them compete successfully in today’s highly competitive global market using cutting edge technolgy  as new (AI) artificial intelegence and Machine Learning as new industrial revolution

Mechanical Assembling and Machine Build


  • Releasing Mechanical Manufactoring CAD drawings
  • Start with fabrication of the machine parts 
  • Start and manufacturing parts in Vengor's shop
  • Machine assembling Partial and global
  • Mechnaichal tuning and adjusting all motions parts
  • Mechanaical test of the functionality of the machine or of the system

Electrical Panel Build,Wiring, Pneumatics and field wiring


  • Assembling all Ellectrical devices in the Ellectrical Panels
  • Electrical wiring all Devices in the Electrical oanel
  • Wiring All High voltage and Low voltage as per Codes and standards
  • All Electrical Field devices connect to RIO blocks or JB's
  • All Power devices are connect and grounded following codes
  • Electrical panel after finishing will be certifed by CSA/UL /CE standards
  • All Pneumatics system will be connected and wired
  • All devices and wiring are labeled  as per Electrical drawinigs
  • All panels are tested before power up for ground shortage or between circuits .
The third process after machine or system iis assembled  and built  then after verification od all   that is correct assmbled and built  mechnichal and electrical that ll wirring is completede as per Electrical schematis .. then is next phase  ..

Power UP and Start Up


  • Verification of all Electrical Curcuits that are correct as per Electrical schematic
  • Check and verification of all SAFETY Devices and Safety Ciruits that are functinal and operarated as per designed circuits
  • Powerup step by step all curcuits to prevent any damages
  • Check all Safety device's functionaly under power is on
  • Check and verification all the IO systems to PLC's , Robots,
  • Check all Devices as Drives (servos, VFD, Safety PLC, HMI) has power up and are ready for next step



  • PLC programming  on base of the sequence of the operation
  • Robot programming and check programmes are made on base of the sequence
  • Vision system Programming for recognizing feature, measurement ..
  • Motion Servo Programming programming for pickup and place
  • Laser Marking and Engraving system programming
  • SQL database tracebility systems programming
  • C /C# / Python programming and new AI/Machine Learning  applying
  • seup and configuration of any device
  • System integration over the Network's Protocols over Ethernet

Test run FAT, Shipping and Installation on Customer floor


  • Finalization with (FAT) test run of the Machine or Systems
  • approval for shipping by customer
  • Packing and Shipping the Machine or the system to Customer
  • Installation of the system on customer floor
  • Power up and final tuning and setup
  • Networking  installation with the plant network Ethernet

Comissioning, Inegration and Release to Production


  • Commisioning of communication
  • Database and tracebility setup and configuration for data collection
  • Setup Network protocols for machine interfacing as EtrnetIP, Profinet..
  • Interface machines over network or disrete IO
  • Safety Devices and Fence testing functionality as entire system
  • SAT final productuon run the system
  • Trainning of the technical and production personal
  • Support and warranty for the system or machine
Kitchener - Waterloo
Vengor Automation Corp.
1533 Industrial Rd, Unit 3-4 ,
Cambridge, ON N3H 5G7 , Canada

Ph.226 533.8222  ext 100  
Fax : 226.533.9534     
Vengor Automation Ltd.
1436 Tecumseh Road East, Unit#3
Tecumseh, ON N8N 1N1 ,Canada

Phone: 519.735.0003
Fax: 519.979.0245

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Feel free to contact us.

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