If your new Industrial Machine or Systems need to be Integrated in the existing Production Line or to be part of Robotic cell or part of Automation then .Vengor Automation can offer full support and services as Electrical  & Mechanichal integration or Controls INTEGRATION  over the industrial Computer Network systems or over discrete I/O  ..also any special request  AS SAFETY SYSTEMS to be integrated in the existing Safety system  .. with the best technology ..

Machine and System INTEGRATION in Production


  • Design of the interface signals for both direction of the systems or machines
  • Design handshaking Communication Protocols in the Logic or programmes
  • Using Industrial Ethernet Network and Protocols (EthrnetIP, Profinet ,Modbus..)
  • Using Discrete IO signals connecting Electricall to IO Modules
  • Programming the Protocols for interfacing signals steps and sequences
  • Safety Signals interfacing over the Safety protocols or Electrically over safety IO systems ..
  • Safety PLC Programming or modification of existing Safety Programme 
Kitchener - Waterloo
Vengor Automation Corp.
1533 Industrial Rd, Unit 3-4 ,
Cambridge, ON N3H 5G7 , Canada

Ph.226 533.8222  ext 100  
Fax : 226.533.9534  
Vengor Automation Ltd.
1436 Tecumseh Road East, Unit#3
Tecumseh, ON N8N 1N1 ,Canada

Phone: 519.735.0003
E-mail: info@vengor.ca
Fax: 519.979.0245

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